Our Product Suite
Keynote Speaking
4 Stage Team Training
Individual Coaching
Online Masterclass
Program Agenda & Content
Voice as the seat of your power and your intellectual asset. It is your birthright - Discussion.
Diagnostic quiz on your Literal and Positional Voice - Understanding the relationship between the literal sound of your voice and how you gain position in spoken exchanges.
Your voice from birth to career
Why you have the voice you have as an adult and its potential
The relationship between voice and power
Your vocal rites of passage - the formative experiences of your voice
Our Voice of Influence Blueprint
For Voice, Women & Power workshops only
Voice and gender: latest research explaining voice and gender
Male vs female codes of speaking and claiming power
Gender, neurology and voice
Genetics vs environmental influences on voice across gender
Speaking is not all about the words - Looking underneath and between words to understand intention and power play
The Cornell Model of Influence
- 4 layers in spoken communications: text, subtext, emotional, primal - how your audience uses the 4 layers
- how you respond to the 4 layers
- responding tactically to the 4 layers demonstrated by your audienceNavigate the power and the players at the table by leveraging the 4 layers to be heard
Understand permission and speaking with entitlement
Learn the rules of holding court
Work practically with our process for vocal presence and impact - ABVS. Participants will use a business pitch and inspirational speeches to engage in the practical work. They will receive hands on and individual feedback.
A - Arrive
Physical presence, finding control, managing nerves, carving out space and time, holding the space to be heard, identifying physical behaviours that undermine power and confidence, staying present under pressure
B - Breathe
Using breath to be commanding and compelling, investigate what triggers breath to be held and how that tips you out of the moment, buy time and demand to be heard by simply using breath, use breath to not take things personally and be objective when the pressure is on
V - Vibrate
Develop the strength and power of your sound, build resonance to take up space and claim the seat at the table, extend range for greater agility in the athleticism of high stakes spoken exchanges, lean into the engagement with voice and energy
S - Speak
Bringing to all together, committing to your ideas, use the power encoded inside words to communicate how you feel, speak assertively and gracefully pushing back
Practical Scenario Themes
Sounding assertive and dispel the myth of being aggressive
Reclaiming your idea when it is taken, paraphrased and re-authored
Recovering when the floor is stolen from you
Getting cut through
Managing push back
Staying in control under pressure
Managing Q&A
Dealing with difficult stakeholders
Staying present and in voice in difficult or high stakes conversations
Benefits of Working with Us
Forge opportunities for leader’s voices to be heard
Experience an empowered voice when speaking to people with influence
Remain empowered and command respect in high stakes
Learn how to navigate the rules of the cultural voice of your business, industry or competition
Experience how to speak with courage and passion when it matters
Establish presence and maintain confidence when speaking
Command attention through use of physicality, breath, voice and energy
Develop a more resonant voice
Speak with gravitas and confidence
Sound more authoritative while staying authentic
Prepare for the moment of speaking
Increase impact in meetings and spoken communications
Clearly and succinctly articulate a message and dynamically sell the story
Keep your voice at the table and hold court
Learn how to elevate content to be engaging and to sound compelling
Ensure that high potential talent has a voice in the business
Bond with fellow participants for ongoing support