Measuring how your people affect the bottom line when they speak

Globally, there is no measure of how people in business affect the bottom line when they speak. Our world first, proprietary, Voice of Influence Survey strategically works with a business revealing chronic cultural or individual issues that compromise talent from being heard.

Secondly it measures the gap between having intellectual capital and expressing it. People may have all the technical expertise in the world, but if they can't influence others about it, then it is a lost opportunity.

Underpinned by a statistical design, it brings together our 20 years of hands on experience alongside international methodologies of voice.

Participants will take the Voice of Influence Survey to benchmark their voice. The questions are quantitative and qualitative using 6 distinctions for vocal influence over 33 questions.

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Tailored to business and team needs, participants take part in a practical workshop experience combining group work and individual hands on feedback.

Participant numbers
up to 8 participants with 1 facilitator
up to 20 participants with 2 facilitators
up to 30 participants with 3 facilitator

Workshop Timing
2 x 3 hours (back to back or 1-2 weeks apart)
2 x 4 hours (back to back or 1-2 weeks apart)
1 day
2 days (back to back or 1-2 weeks apart)

Content and Agenda
View here

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The Cornell Voice Advisory approaches learning as neurological, psychological, emotional and physical, so ongoing practise is key. Our 30 day action plan is designed to keep participants alive to the training in Stage 2 | Deliver to help establish new habits.

It includes video warm ups, tips, feedback and observation tasks and inspiration as well as a face debrief session with one of our consultants to hold participants accountable to practice.

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Individual Reports

Participants will re-take the Voice of Influence Survey to assess their change over the program. Each participant will receive an individual report comparing their benchmark and final scores.

Executive Report

We will also collate the data from the benchmark and final surveys and compile into an Executive Report which will be delivered to the business stakeholders to assess the program’s impact. We will make specific observations and recommendations alongside the following data:

  • Total Voice of Influence Score range and distribution

  • Comparison between total self rating and peer assessment scores

  • Comparison of the 6 distinction scores between self rating and peer assessment

  • Qualitative Answers

Across the 6 Parameters

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